Saturday, April 23, 2011

Trip To Thailand

Hi All,

Several of you have been asking about what we've been up to. No photos right now, but here’s a little bit about what we've been up to.

4/7, Thurs. – Flight from Seattle to International Date Line on Airbus A330. Kaler learns how to use the personalized video system built into the back of each seat. He watches Thomas and Friends, Diego, Dora, and several other Asian cartoons that we didn't recognize. He plays a few games on the video system as well. Lena isn't so easily entertained. She rotates through Guy, Natty, and Pa Da several times on laps then walking around the airplane. She lays down for a one nap on the floor, and takes other naps in Guy and Natty’s arms. Food is served about every four hours even during the middle of the night.

4/8, Fri. – Flight from International Date Line to Incheon (Seoul) S. Korea (MAP) on Airbus A330. We arrive in Seoul tired. Surprisingly we have go go through security in Incheon even though we never leave the international section of the airport. We then transfer and flight to Bangkok Thailand (MAP).

4/9 Saturday – Land in Bangkok around 1am and go through Immigrations. We got to go through a special line for small children which was much shorter than other lines. After getting our bags, we went through Customs and then took a Taxi to our apartment in the same building as Natty’s Mom, Un, in the Bang Rak district of Bangkok (MAP). We arrived around 2:30am. After talking with Natty's mom Un and grandma Seium Heng for about an hour, we went to sleep at about 4am and woke up around 9am. We spent most of the day walking around the neighborhood and shopping for urgent needs (SIM card for cell phones). Guy laid down with Kaler and Lena Took naps at 4pm in the afternoon, but didn’t wake up until 4am. Natty kept waiting for Guy, Kaler, & Lena to wake up but they never did. Natty went out for dinner with her mom and grandma.

4/10, Sun. – Visit “Ocean World” aquarium at Siam Paragon Mall (MAP). We took the Sky Train (BTS) to Ocen World. Natty's grandma came with us. We saw sharks, rays, eels, otters, water rats, penguins, and many many different kinds of tropical fish. Natty's grandma had never seen a penguin before. We also got to put our feet in a tank of fish that eat the dead skin cells. It tickled.

4/11, Mon. – Visit “Funarium” indoor play place with Luck and Phraeu (MAP). Natty's friend Luck, picked us up by car. Natty’s grandma came with us. Guy worked remote for Cisco a local internet café.

Took ferry boat across Chao Phraya grandma to a fancy Chinese seafood restaurant “Ban Rim Nam” (MAP) on the Chao Phraya river.

4/12, Tue. – Flight from Bangkok, Thailand (MAP) to Chiang Mai, Thailand (MAP). Lena stayed in Bangkok with Un and Seium Heng. A driver from Joy’s House picked us up at the airport, and took us to the guest house in NW Chiang Mai (MAP). On the way to Joy’s house we passed by the canal/moat near the center of town and saw people starting the water fights a day early. Joy runs both a guest house and an Children’s Shelter for orphans and under-privileged children. The older children from the shelter help out at the guest house to learn critical work skills for when they will leave the shelter. After we arrived, we went for a swim and then Natty and Guy had a massage while some of the employees and children played with Kaler. That evening we had dinner at Joy’s house.

4/13, Wed. – Songkran Day 1 – Water Fights, Night Market.

The next day we loaded up in the back of a pickup and headed for the central canal/moat in town for water fights. As we were leaving Joy’s house it began to rain. In the morning it was around 78 degrees. The combination of rain, 78 degree weather and riding in the back of a truck at around 40 mph, we all got cold on the way into town. When we got into town, the massive waterfights slowed down traffic to a crawl, which meant that we had a chance to warm up.

In the back of the truck were me and two German couples, a German speaking Swiss couple, and two children from the orphanage, one that was deaf. Natty and Kaler sat in the cab with a photographer, driver and three other orphans. We had a large bucket (20 gallon) in the back of the truck with water to refill our water guns, and throw buckets. The two German couples didn’t bring anything to water fight with. Many merchants lined the sides of the streets selling blocks of ice to put into the large buckets of water. Getting hit with ice cold water when it’s 80 degrees out has a very obvious effect. The rules of the water fight are pretty simple. 1. Get other people wet. 2. Get yourself wet. 3. Try to not get people wet that don’t want to get wet (sometimes hard to follow). 4. Don’t take anything with you that you don’t want wet. Some people line the sides of the street and throw or spray water at people passing by. People in the backs of trucks throw or spray water at other trucks and at people along the streets. Once the people in trucks run out of water in their large buckets/barrels they stop by the canal and refill. This water fight goes on for the three days of Songkran from 8am to 6pm roughly. It also goes on elsewhere around the city/county in lesser intensiveness.

Later in the evening, after drying off, we went back into town to the Night Market. This is a series of open air markets selling clothing, food, arts, crafts, etc. Natty and Guy shopped for long sleeve shirts and pants for us as we were planning on going to stay on the Children’s Shelter farm in the mountains side.

Generic Photos of Songkran Waterfights

4/14, Thurs. – Songkran Day 2 – Oxcart and Elephant ride at Mae Taeng Elephant Park (MAP), Bamboo raft rides on the Mae Taeng River MAP, visit Children’s Shelter Foundation farm (MAP).

This day we drove a couple hours north of Chiang Mai to the Mae Taeng river. There we rode on an Oxcart and on the back of an Elephant. When we first mounted the Elephant, Natty was on one side, Kaler was in the middle and Guy was on the other side. The weight imbalance on Guy’s side caused the saddle/seat to nearly tip over. Once Guy was re-arranged to the middle, and balance was restored, and we began enjoying the ride. As the elephant approached the river, we noticed a steep set of giant stairs. Descending the steps, the elephant rocked back and forth throwing us forward. Feeling like we were going to fall to our deaths, our knuckles turned white holding onto the saddle/seat belts. Kaler didn’t seem to mind as I had to keep reminding him to hold on. We crossed the river and climbed up the hillside forest on the other side. Later we again climbed back down into the river and back up onto the shore. After we were safely off the elephant, we thanked him with a bundle of sugar cane and a bunch of 20 bananas which the elephant unceremoniously ate in a single bite.

We ate lunch at a buffet that was prepared for the guests and then we got on bamboo rafts to float down the river. Along with Kaler, Natty and Guy were 5 of the girl orphans. At first we just rode the raft quietly, then we hung our feet off the sides. Finally the girls got too hot and they all ended up in the river, which was about waist deep on average with only a few places where they couldn’t touch the bottom. They enjoyed the second half of the ride jumping in the water and walking along beside the raft. The children described the color/consistency of the water with the thai word for “coffee”, it was very muddy.

After the raft ride we went back upstream to the Elephant place and found the baby elephants, one 6 month old and a 12 month. We fed them and their mothers sugar cane, bananas and ears of corn. It was fun watching the babies use their feet to roll the ears of corn to separate the husks from the ears. Once separated, they would pop the ears into their mouths. The mothers didn’t bother with this step, they would toss the entire ear, husk and all into their mouths and chew away.

We hit the road again to travel part of the way back into Chiang Mai and then took another road heading NE towards Chiang Rai to go to the Children’s shelter farm. The children in the back of the truck were repeatedly doused by happy Songkran revelers along the side of the highways. By the time we got to the farm an hour and a half later, everyone in the back was soaked.

On the farm, we walked through the mixed use fields that had a little of everything. Salad greens, vegetables, fruit, nuts. Several items of interest, Bananas, Mangos, Papaya, Tamarind, lettuce, pineapple. There was some kind of a ant hatch going on. Some of the biggest ants with wings were coming out of mounds. The children were running around to catch them. Guy helped to catch a few as well. The ants were put into water bottles for safe keeping. Deep fried ants is considered a delicacy and is very expensive in Thailand. After the farm and orphanage tour, we sat at tables and had a simple dinner with some of the children and a few other German couples visiting. We had rice, veggie greens called “morning glory”, not like what is called morning glory in USA, and scrambled eggs. Guy had a pretty good sunburn on legs and arms from being out so much and from riding in the front seat of the car all day.

4/15, Fri. – Songkran Day 3 – Return from Farm, shop at Wood Carvers Market south of Chiang Mai in Nong Kaeo (MAP). Celebrate traditional Songkran ceremony with blessings from local elders at Joy’s House.

We ate breakfast, and Guy made a mess of the waffle batter. The waffle pan was overfilled and the batter dripped down the table and onto the floor. After Natty cleaned it up and Guy thought it was figured out, he made a mess again on the next batch of waffles. This time Guy had to clean up the mess.

We loaded the orphan kids into the back of the truck and headed back into town. Much dousing was enjoyed along the way. On bucket full of water hit the driver side mirror and twisted it back against the truck.

When we got to Joy’s house, the one group of kids jumped out and a new group jumped in and we headed down South to Nong Kaeo to the wood workers market. We shopped around for a couple hours looking at carvings for decorating the house. We saw a few things we liked but decided to wait for a day to buy anything.

When we got back to Joy’s house, it was very hot. We played in the swimming pool with the children and the squirt guns. There was a French speaking family with three children aged 3 – 9(?), the Swiss couple and a German couple in the pool and three orphans in the water and three other orphans running around with water. It was great fun splashing, and playing in the water.

At 4pm we got out of the pool and the traditional Songkran elder blessing ceremony started. It started with drums, cymbals, dancing, martial arts exhibitions, and lots of spraying water, this time with a hose. During this time elderly neighbors arrived and were seated in places of honor. This is the point that Kaler got scared from all of the loud noise and bustle and Natty had to leave to take him someplace quiet. Once every one was present, then there was traditional Thai dance, martial arts exhibition, traditional Thai music, and more Thai dance. Kaler and Natty returned at this point. Then gifts were given to the elders in exchange for blessings; well wishing for health, happiness, long life, wealth, family, etc. After this the there were more dancing, music, etc. Then there was a feast. After the feast, the children sang some songs, and did their chants. Later, we sat around and sang music to guitar and tambourine.

4/16, Sat. – More shopping at Wood Carvers Market, bought round carving of Thai Woman and chevron shaped carving of elephants. Flight from Chiang Mai to Bangkok.

4/17, Sun. – Visit friends Luck and Aa in South-Eastern Bangkok, Bang Mueang (MAP). Swam in Pool (MAP). Went to Chinese Temple Celebration with Great Grandma Seium Heng

4/18, Mon. – Guy figures out where the Cisco offices in Bangkok are located and takes Sky Train (BTS) to the office building / mall. Guy is told that the Cisco Office doesn’t open until 10am. After turning over Passport, Guy gets access to the Cisco offices on the 28th floor of the Central World building. (MAP) Natty and Kaler take the Sky-train (BTS) to MBK, Siam Paragon, Siam Center, BTS to Mo Chit.

4/19, Tue. – Koh Kret

Took non-express River Ferry from Sathon terminal (MAP) upriver to Nonthaburi termial (MAP). Lena fell asleep in the stroller on the 1 hour boat ride. Kaler watched out the windows of the boat for the first half hour then he got tired and fell asleep on Guy for the second half of the ride. We hired a river taxi (longtail) boat to take us the rest of the way to the island of Koh Kret (MAP). We walked around the island for a while and looked at some Buddhist temples, pottery and other craftwork. We learned that the island is mostly visited on the weekends. Therefore there wasn't much open to visit while we were there. Kaler went poop in a toilet at the Buddhist Temple Rama V museum. We took the river taxi back to Nonthaburi. Natty and Guy commented later that the best part of the trip was the ride (sometimes scarey) on the fast taxi boat between Nonthaburi and Ko Kret. On the way back we took the express ferry, which was still slow, but at least it stopped at fewer stops along the river.

4/20, Wed. – We Took Kaler via tuk-tuk to “Little Maple Nursery” (MAP). Went via tuk-tuk to Luck's condo to find the daycare place for Kaler. But after asking around for a while no on in the area knew what we were talking about. So we called Luck to ask for help finding the place. She told us that the daycare wasn't near her condo. Instead it is near her old home. So we took a taxi to “Little Maple Nursery” (MAP) in the Silom district. We signed Kaler up for drop in day care. Before we left, he was busy playing with some toy cars. We walked through a red light and night market neighborhood called Patpong on the way from the day care to the Sky-train. As it was still morning, there wasn't much going on. Guy and Natty then tried to go to Chatuchak Market (MAP) and took the Sky-train (BTS) to the end of the line at Mo Chit, but found out that it is only open on the weekend. So we got back on the train and went back to MBK mall. Guy bought some software, and a couple of tailored suits. We took the Sky-train back to Sala Dang and walked to the daycare to pick up Kaler. This time the walk down Patpong street was crazy. All of the stalls selling clothes, art, knock off watches, etc. were set up and the streets were getting crowded.

4/21, Thurs. – Guy went to internet cafe to research WiFi options. Dropped off Kaler at Little Maple Nursery. They stopped at NaRaYa to buy some gifts for friends and family and then Guy and Natty went to Siam Square for Natty to meet up with a friend of Natty's Mom, Un who works in a hair salon. Natty got a hair cut because she said that Natty's hair was “ugly.” Guy got on the internet to arrange a purchase of WiFi for the rest of the stay in Bangkok. Guy shopped around at Siam Center, Siam Paragon for things for friends and family. We bought some Thai books for Kaler & Lena. Then hurried home to pick up Kaler at day care. This time Guy asked Natty for another side street besides Patpong. We ended walking down the street that Natty lived on when she was a little girl. This street was much more pleasant than Patpong. The WiFi salesman met us at Robinson store near Un's house. Guy set up the WiFi later that night, with much success and happiness.

4/22, Fri. – We took the #1 bus down Charoen Krung road and went swimming at Luck's “Supalai Casa Riva Condominium” swimming pool (MAP). Ate lunch at “My Place” restaurant right outside the entrance to the condo. After lunch we took the #1 bus back home. Guy, Kaler and Lena took a nap. Natty went via Sky-train (BTS) and Subway (MRT) to the train station to buy tickets for our trip to Cha Am beach at Hua Hin (MAP). However, the train schedule wasn't convenient and Natty found that a chartered van was cheaper. So she reserved a van for the round trip to Hua Hin. Kaler and Lena woke up from their naps and we watched some videos I recorded for the trip until Natty came home.

4/23, Sat. – We went to Natty's cousin Jeab's house in the Don Muang district of Northern Bangkok (MAP). Jeab's husband is a Group Captain in the Thai Air Force. They expect expect his promotion to General (Air Vice Marshall) in the next 12 months (link to Thai military rank info). They live in officers quarters near the Air Force base.

Kaler and Lena played with with their 2nd cousin Teddy (Jeab's 4.5 year old son). He had lots of toy cars, which made Kaler happy. He also shared some of his coco puffs and Cheetos with Lena, which made her happy. Teddy was very busy playing with legos himself when we arrived. We went out for lunch at a nice restaurant near their home and had very good Thai food. After lunch we went back to their house and the kids played some more and they also watched some Thai cartoons on TV. Kaler was glued to the TV set, hopefully he understood some of what the characters were saying. There was an impressive lightning and thunder storm while we were at their house, with a very heavy downpour that lasted for well over an hour, some of the streets were flooded by the storm. Guy stood on the porch and watched the show for a while. Lena came out to join him. She fell asleep with her head on Guy's shoulder in his arms the the thrumming of the rain and the rumble of the thunder. Later, she went down for a nap on the floor in Teddy's room. Kaler cried when it was time to leave. He was very sad to leave his new friend Teddy with the new TV programs and toys to play with. We went home via taxi later that afternoon.

4/24, Sun. – Chatuchak Market (MAP)

We left home early before Lena woke up, she stayed with Grandma Un and Great Grandma Seium Heng for the day. We went to Chatuchak weekend market (aka J. J.). As were were out of Thai cash (Baht), and generally vendors at the market only take cash, on the way we tried to stop by Siam district to exchange US Dollars for Thai baht. But as it was Sunday and early morning, all the financial places were closed. We got back on the train and went to the Mo Chit stop on the Sky-train (BTS) to go to Chatuchak. When we got off we took a short cut through a park and Kaler saw a bunch of toys. Guy and Kaler played on the toys while Natty went ahead to buy some food for Kaler, Teddy, Jeab. Jeab met Natty and Kaler at the market and took Kaler for the day to play with Teddy.

Guy had searched on the Internet earlier in the morning for a church nearby Chatuchak to visit for Easter service, but couldn't find any details about the church or service other than name “Saint Johns” and location (MAP). When he arrived at St. Johns church, it was Catholic and mass was already in progress. The church was completely packed and many people were sitting/standing outside listening to the service on the speakers mounted on the exterior of the church. Guy watched and waited outside. As the service was being held in Thai, Guy couldn't understand what was being said, but others seemed to be following along just fine. About 15 minutes later the service was over and people began to file out. Guy went inside and stood in the back. This time the service was in English, but again there was standing room only so Guy decided to leave after about 15 minutes of the service. He met Natty at Chatuchak and they shopped for home decorations and gifts for friends and family.

After Chatuchak, Natty and Guy took a taxi to Jeab's house to pick up Kaler. When they arrived, Jeab, Teddy and Kaler talked Natty and Guy into letting Kaler stay overnight. After dinner, Natty & Guy gave Kaler good night kisses and hugs and took a taxi home.

4/25, Mon. – Guy works at Cisco Office in Central World. Natty and Kaler go out shopping together.

4/26, Tue. – Courtyard Hua Hin at Cha am Beach

We took a taxi service to the Courtyard hotel at Cha'am beach near Hua Hin (MAP). First we played in the children's playroom. After we got our swimming suits on, we went out to the swimming pool. After a swim, Natty, Un, and Guy went out to get lunch. We ate at a nice restaurant on the beach. Guy bit into a thai chili and spent the rest of the lunch time trying to dilute the Capsaicin and dealing with the pain. After lunch, Guy walked back over to the hotel and met Seium Heng, Kaler and Lena. After lunch, Lena had a nap and we stayed around and watched TV until it cooled down. Later in the evening we went down to the pool and swam again. This time Kaler wanted to ride on the big water slide a lot.

4/27, Wed. – Night Market in Hua Hin.

Guy, Kaler and Lena got up early and went to the swimming pool. There was good shade on the west side of the sunken bar. They played in the pool until it started getting too sunny/hot. Natty joined them in the pool later. All of them ended up with sunburns even though they put on sun screen. After lunch and naps everyone went to town via taxi for the night market in Hua Hin (MAP).

4/28, Thurs. – A day of rest and relaxation. We did very little on Thursday. Swim, play, nap, watch TV.

4/29, Fri. – Monkey Mountain, Plearn Wan

In the morning we took a taxi to visit what the locals were referring to as “Monkey Mountain” (MAP). It isn't a mountain, rather a rocky hill right on the coast. But it does have lots of monkeys. This hill has two Buddhist monasteries on it. The Monks and the faithful visitors feed the monkeys. There are a lot there. The monkeys were mostly friendly, but one did come and steal the id badge off of our stroller. The baby monkeys were fun to see. While there we climbed the steep stairs to the Buddhist temple at the top. After giving alms and praying, we walked around the top and rang the bells. As the day was very hot, we quickly packed up and headed back to town for lunch.

We went to the Market Village mall for lunch (MAP). While there Kaler played on some big toys and Lena took a short nap. As taxis and tuk-tuks were overpriced, we found that by taking songthaew pickup-taxi which operate on regular routes, we could get a better deal to get around town. We took the songtaew to Plearn Wan. On the way we had to detour because of a parade in progress in town.

On the way home we stopped at Plearn Wan (เพลินวาน) (MAP). The translation of the Thai plearn means 'enjoy' and wan means 'yesteryear'. This is a an attempt to re-create a vintage Thai commercial community. There are several web sites that capture the essence of what is going on. Web Site 1, Web Site 2. We walked around and looked at the shops and took pictures. As it was getting late and the kids needed naps, we left after a short visit.

4/30, Sat. – Seium Heng, Guy, Natty, Kaler, & Lena took a taxi to Great Grandma Seium Heng's house in Bang Yai / Nonthaburri district of North West Bangkok (MAP). Kaler and Lena met Aunt Ying Ying, Aunt E-Oh, and Uncle ________. Kaler went for a bicycle ride on the back of Ying Ying's bike to get a Popsicle. We had a nice lunch together. Later Kaler rode on the back of Ying Ying's bike when they went to the store to get some drinks, Thai Iced Tea (Cha Yen), and chocolate drinks. Uncle went to get some ice cream. Guy, Natty, Kaler, and Lena left around 3pm so the kids could take naps.

5/1, Sun. – Guy and Kaler went to the Dusit Zoo, (MAP). They took the Sky-train (BTS) and then a Tuk-Tuk. They entered at Gate 1 and walked counterclockwise around the park. Of interest to Kaler as the tram ride around the park. Guy tried to distract Kaler by showing him the hippopotamus, lion, tiger, lizards, snakes, turtles, giraffes, zebras, ostrich, seals, penguins, elephant, camels, kangaroos, etc., but in the end, Kaler was generally unimpressed with the animals. Guy liked the seal show. All of the seats were taken so Kaler had to sit on Guy's shoulders. After about 20 minutes on Guy's shoulders, Kaler's feet began to fall asleep and he wanted down. They ended up leaving the show early. After the show and some snacks, Guy and Kaler went on the tram ride around the zoo. After the tram ride, Kaler went to the big toy to play. At the end of the day, Guy and Kaler went to catch a taxi back to the Sky-train, but everyone else had the same idea. So Guy and Kaler had to walk several blocks (¼ - ½ mile long blocks) to catch a bus. But Guy wasn't sure of the bus route and ended up getting off the bus too early. They then had to walk another couple long blocks to the victory monument Sky-train (BTS) station.

Lena stayed home with Grandma Un. Natty met with friend Arm who works for Columbia entertainment.

5/2, Mon. – Because it was a public holiday in Bangkok “Labor Day” and the Cisco office was closed, Guy worked from an internet cafe. Natty stayed home with Kaler and Lena. Grandma Un helped take care of the kids. After work, Guy went to pick up a tailored suit from Sun who runs a small store on the 3rd floor of MBK. He also picked up a few games and software for friends and family.

5/3, Tue. – The Sky-train (BTS) wasn't working so Guy had to take a taxi to work. Guy worked from the Cisco Office. Kaler went to preschool / day care. Natty went out for lunch with Dan and Arm.

5/4, Wed. –

5/5, Thurs. – Bangkok Public Holiday “Coronation Day”. Guy makes special arrangements to work from Cisco office.