Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Trip To Thailand - 4/23

4/23, Sat. – We went to Natty's cousin Jeab's house in the Don Muang district of Northern Bangkok (MAP). Jeab's husband is a Group Captain in the Thai Air Force. They expect expect his promotion to General (Air Vice Marshall) in the next 12 months (link to Thai military rank info). They live in officers quarters near the Air Force base.

Kaler and Lena played with with their 2nd cousin Teddy (Jeab's 4.5 year old son). He had lots of toy cars, which made Kaler happy. He also shared some of his coco puffs and Cheetos with Lena, which made her happy. Teddy was very busy playing with legos himself when we arrived. We went out for lunch at a nice restaurant near their home and had very good Thai food. After lunch we went back to their house and the kids played some more and they also watched some Thai cartoons on TV. Kaler was glued to the TV set, hopefully he understood some of what the characters were saying. There was an impressive lightning and thunder storm while we were at their house, with a very heavy downpour that lasted for well over an hour, some of the streets were flooded by the storm. Guy stood on the porch and watched the show for a while. Lena came out to join him. She fell asleep with her head on Guy's shoulder in his arms the the thrumming of the rain and the rumble of the thunder. Later, she went down for a nap on the floor in Teddy's room. Kaler cried when it was time to leave. He was very sad to leave his new friend Teddy with the new TV programs and toys to play with. We went home via taxi later that afternoon.

The whole big family.

Lena, Guy, Kaler, and Teddy

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